UP! - SE OP (Look Up)
Katja Herrik, Lisbeth Thingholm,
Elisa Tolstrup Andersen, Annette Fausø 17. August - 6. September Vernissage: 17. August at 17.00 Sound installation. Snevringen, narrow passage between Studsgade and Mejlgade, 8000 Aarhus C The sentence “look up” is pronounced in 18 different languages floating out into the aether along the narrow passage. An invitation for the passersby to take a break, reflect and leave their worries behind for a brief moment. The sentences flow along the passage immersing it in a persuasive auditive atmosphere. The many languages symbolize the diversity of Aarhus with its many nationalities and various types of people living in the city. The narrow passage can be seen as a representative for our narrow-mindedness, yet the artwork urges us to be optimistic and look up towards the light in a time of fear of climate change, refugees, immigrants and gruesome wars. To look up from our screens and look at each other. For when we look up at the sky we forget the dilemmas inside us. |
Illustration by Diana Dovgialo