Allison Barry Rosenlund
14. August - 30. September Open Tues.- Sat. at 2 - 6 pm Ålesundsvej 10, 8200 Aarhus N The artist chose her private aarhusian home to create an installation of a room inspired by classical rennaisance art and 18th century salons. The piece is installed on the first floor of her house and you’ll have to pass through the other rooms and the family’s everyday things before you get to enter an alternative world of silence where the beauty and elegance of classical art still exist and move us. An oasis, a place where time stands still and where you can immerse yourself in contemplation. A respite for both mind and soul. A room that stands in sharp contrast to its immediate world. For Allison beautiful art is the most uplifting thing in the world. After a trip to Rome she dove into the magical skill of tricking the eye with light, shadow and painting techniques, also known as “trompe l’æoil”. |
Illustration by Diana Dovgialo