About ProKK
ProKK is a union for professional artists and artisans consisting of approximately 200 members. Most members are from Central Jutland, but the union is active in all of Denmark.
ProKK is an activity-based community. Each year ProKK organizes an exhibition with a specific theme, dogma and challenges, which all members are equally entitled to participate in. This exhibition is the main reason people choose a ProKK membership. Since 2006 the exhibition has involved about 100 participants every year. We also organize workshops, inspirational talks, seminars, excursions, networking meetings, evaluations, salons, and much more. OUT OF THE BOX OUT OF THE BOX is ProKK’s contribution to Aarhus as the European Capital of Culture 2017. Spanning the years 2014-2017 ProKK creates a yearly exhibition that surprises and astonishes the audience and that is presented in places we normally do not meet art: in shopping malls, on camping sites, in the air, in bus stops, on rooftops, in forests, in parking basements, etc. The OUT OF THE BOX exhibition themes for each year are the following: 2014 EPIDEMICS 2015 NOMAD 2016 GARDEN LYRICS 2017 UP The exhibition series is a movement away from the art institution and into the urban environment’s colourful life and diversity. ProKK’s 200 artists and artisans will realize the exhibitions and happenings in an active interplay with international collaboration partners, exhibition spaces, researchers and inspirational agents. The five year plan is developed in collaboration with cultural consultant Trine Rytter Andersen. The OUT OF THE BOX working group is comprised of rotating members and temporary employees. EPIDEMICS 2014 - a FASCINATION with the fact that, apart from diseases, many phenomena have epidemic characteristics. The exhibition is realized in collaboration with Aarhus University’s Epicenter which explores the spread of epidemics from a social and cultural perspective. The exhibition is organized in five groups working on the themes: Rumours, The body as battlefield, Mass movements, German Measles and Fear. With this exhibition the artists intend to infect the public with new ways of looking at how various phenomena spread and affect our culture. Read more > NOMAD 2015 - a THOUGHT-PROVOKING artistic examination of modern restlessness which is our most challenging condition and is especially linked to urban life in late modernity. NOMAD examines this unrest and presents thought-provoking works which directly address and converse with one of modernity’s other phenomena: the self-reflexive individual. The exhibition will be displayed in unconventional public places like airports, hotel rooms, camping sites, train stations, buses and taxis. Read more > GARDEN LYRICS 2016 - a LUXURIANT artistic expansion of the park’s / garden’s lyrical and poetic potential. The exhibition sets off in an yet unknown park in Aarhus and grows outwards into the city and into the region fertilizing each place with poetry and sensuality. Light, sound, installation, body, intervention, words and environment – the cityscape and the harbour are explored with variations and deconstructions holding the lyrical and artistic intervention as their focal point. Read more > UP 2017 - an UPLIFTING exhibition on the city’s rooftops, lofts, balconies, etc. This theme allows for large-scale formats, inflatable sculpture bodies, helium, sound, aerial runways, kites, laser beams and other lighting, etc. The exhibition presents great potential for including citizens in development projects. UP is a great opportunity for the audience to experience exciting spaces and vistas that are usually not open to the public. Read more > SHARE YOUR VISUAL MINDSET - FROM ARTIST TO ARTIST ALL OVER EUROPE 2014-2017 A BUDDING art project that branches out across the Internet and out into Europe. The artists design small, lopsided, poetic and thought-provoking happenings for public space which are described on scores that are shared from artist to artist across the whole network. The works of art are performed across national borders and across languages. A cornucopia of ideas that bring art out to people all over Europe and create astonishment, excitement, debate and a desire to think and see the world in new ways. OUT OF THE BOX – what happens after 2017? We evaluate the project and ask: what type of new knowledge, methods, processes, formats, collaboration partners and international networks do we take along in our future work? We will publish a catalogue and an online publication which will document the whole project as well as serve as memory and inspiration for the audiences. SHARE YOUR VISUAL MINDSET – The project’s philosophy, concepts, geographical outreach and its many scores will be available online on a website, which after 2017 will continue to exist as an artistic and visual idea bank. We would love to include other art forms and professional competencies in our work and networks. If you are interested in collaborating with ProKK, if you need an artist or if you are an artist and are interested in becoming a member check out our website www.prokk.dk PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES
With the exhibition TRANSFORM in Filmbyen Aarhus from 2011 the collaborative projects grew bigger and were extended with foreign artists from Japan, Brazil, Germany, Cuba, etc. as well as “non”-artists such as social educators, gender researchers, hermits, developers at the Eksperimentarium, scenographers, architects, digital designers, musicians, philosophers, composers, theologians, ethnographers, Odder knitting club, pupils from Det Kreative Værksted (the creative workshop), DSB mechanics, and actors. Each group received qualified professional and artistic feedback throughout the whole process. With the exhibition ”Dialog – Satellit” from 2008 we worked with small collaborative units. |